based rendition
based rendition
(mumble rap)
$piTz PaRadise
It's nice to see some Fighbird love on this site. Good work!
Thanks, ma man. I always feel Fighbird was one of my fave designs out of the Brave series.
Cool Henshin idea
Hey, thanks! That really means a lot to me!
I dig how Y2K he looks.
If you’re here you’re here for da Y2K experience my friend 👍
This is pretty dang great. I've always been fond of your usage of heavy blacks.
big thanks Carltoons!
Turn A, Turn!
What i wouldnt give to meet the guy who says TAHN A GANDAM in the intro
I like this redesign. Cool color palette and silhouette.
Thanks! I’m glad that you like it!
Really dig how Penny looks in this one.
Thanks so much man :)
Happy birthday man.
Thank you so much!
I'm just a guy who likes drawing.
Joined on 10/1/20